Your Blessings on Autopilot

Our Sponsors

Words fall short when we try to express our sincerest gratitude for your sponsorship.

You support a platform that provides the configuration so that the donors can donate automatically to the Mosque, Madrasah & Muslim organizations and bring benefits to us all.

Invest in this life, for the next!

What We Aim

At GivingFridays, we seek to enhance social mobility in Singapore by helping our community members provide financial support to the local non-profit Muslim organisations.

Our focus is on inculcating a self-sustainability mindset. We work closely with community contributors and other non-profit organisations that are striving to achieve similar objectives.

What We Provide

GivingFridays brings the perfect opportunity to channel your wealth in the form of automated donations to the Muslim Organisations (MOs) that are striving to improve the quality of life of thousands of Muslims in our community.

We provide one of the lowest cost per dollars donated.
❌ No membership fees
❌ No monthly maintenance fees

The success of our model depends on the volume of transactions made to the recipients.

What We Need

While we have made some great strides, GivingFridays still has a lot to accomplish.

We need your support to further develop our app so that we can extend our services to more organisations.

We released Version 1 in Sep 2022, Version 2 (Charts) in Feb 2023 and Version 3 (Campaigns) in Jul 2023. We need to develop custom codes for:

✅ Alternative payment solutions (Version 4).

Why support us

Every dollar you donate to us will be used to further develop our app. By sponsoring the development of our application codes, you'll be contributing to the infrastructure of our platform. This will be your investment for the hereafter.


Account Name: Givingfridays Pte. Ltd.


We will show you how easy it is to:
▫ Automate your Friday/Fajr donation and collection.
▫ Accurately forecast your revenue.
▫ Manage your donors and your campaigns.

A Big Thanks to All Our Sponsors

For everything you have done for us in the past, everything you still do and will continue to do, we at just want you to know how thankful we are, and we look forward to a prosperous future together.

May Allah s.w.t reserve a place for you in paradise. Amin.

Spread the word

Built in this life, for the next