Register with PayPal.
List of documentations required.

We may, solely at our own discretion, provide our services to other organizations based in Singapore or in other countries.

Conditions to be a Recipient.

A. Legitimate entity
Currently, this service is only open to the Singapore & Malaysia domestic market.

You should be a:

  1. Religious Organization
  2. Muslim Organization with Society, Charity or IPC status.

If you are one of the above entities and want to be listed on our website, please register at or contact us at This service is not available to individuals.

B. Register with our Payment Gateway.

If you are already registered/on boarded with the payment gateway, you can skip this step (however your rates may vary, therefore please always check with us).
Our payment gateway will carry out Know Your Clients (KYC) checks on all applicants. Due to the nature of the contribution, an additional Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) checks will be carried out.
Upon successful registration and on boarding, your organization will be provided with your own unique account number.

Please provide the following documents for compliance and verification (to PayPal directly): Please mention GivingFridays.

Contact person at PayPal:
Aaron Ong
Relationship Manager
PayPal Pte Ltd: 5 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec Tower 5, #09-01 Singapore 038985

Examples of documents required;

1. Compliance:

  1. Account Holder (typically the person that will be accessing the PayPal account the most):
    a. Proof of Identity (ID front and back) or
    b. Passport Copy (face & signature page)
  2. Business Proof of Address within last 3 months (Bank statement header/utility bill)
  3. Business Registration documents:
    a. ACRA Business profile or
    b. For Charities/Society (as issued by the government agencies MCCY, ROS etc, plus IPC status as registered with
    c. For mosque: Letter from MUIS including registered mosque name, UEN, address and date of establishment (if available)
  4. Letter of Authorization:
    a. See Attached document “1.4.a Authorization letter sample“.
    b. Use your own letterhead, update the fields highlighted in yellow
    c. Signed by Chairman
  5. Beneficial Owner Proof of Identities (ID/ Passport Copy), required for individual with voting rights.
    a. We need identities of current Chairman, Co-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
    b. Declare ownership as zero % (in PayPal account)
  6. Official Bearer Proof of Identity. Required for individual with voting rights as point 5
    a. We need identities of current Chairman, Co-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
  7. Newly registered PayPal Singapore Email address

2. Please declare the beneficial owners and official bearers in your account:-

  1. Log into your new PayPal account and declare Beneficial Owner / Official bearers (Chairman, Co-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary)
    Follow the steps below and provide their information.
    a. Log in to the newly opened account
    b. Click on Setting Icons – Account Setting – Business Information
    * Beside Business Information, click update – scroll at the bottom and provide information

3. Due Diligence:

  1. Fill the attached Non-Profit Organization “NPO onboarding questionnaire” with signature.
    a. See attached “3.1.aGlobal High Risk Industry Onboarding Questionnaire – NPO
  2. Provide last 3 months bank statement for your bank account that is linked to your PayPal account.

This is necessary to make sure the Recipient is a proper legal entity, not involved in activities associated with money laundering and financing terrorism.

Upon successful registration and on boarding, your organization will be provided with your own unique account number, GivingFridays will not be involved in nor associated with your established account with them. Matters relating to your account with the payment gateway provider should be handled by you directly with them.

Last updated: 18 Sep 2023